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How to Develop a New Electronic Hardware Device ? Step by Step


Developing a new electronic hardware device from concept to production is an exciting yet challenging process. It requires a combination of engineering knowledge, design skills, and business acumen. While every product development journey is unique, there are some common steps hardware engineers and entrepreneurs take to bring their ideas to life.

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk through the end-to-end process of developing a new electronic hardware product from start to finish. Whether you are an experienced engineer or just getting started, these steps will provide a solid framework for building your hardware startup. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Validate the Product Idea

The first step is turning your idea into a value proposition that serves a real market need. This requires objectively evaluating the concept to ensure there is a target audience willing to buy what you plan to develop.

Here are some key validations to carry out in this initial phase:

  • Market research – Size up potential markets and customers. Talk to prospective users to understand their needs and buying criteria. Quantify the demand for your type of product.
  • Competitor analysis – Identify existing and upcoming products that serve the same purpose. Study their features, pricing, and target users. Find potential gaps or areas of differentiation.
  • Feasibility assessment – Determine if the product concept is technically and financially viable. Map out any blocking issues.
  • Risk analysis – Identify the major assumptions and risks behind the product idea. Test key hypothesis through customer surveys, interviews, MVPs, etc.
  • Business model design – Map out how value will be created and delivered to customers. Calculate rough estimates for development costs, manufacturing costs, pricing, etc.

Spend enough time validating the market opportunity before sinking months of engineering work into a product. Refine the product vision based on early customer and industry feedback.

Step 2: Specify Product Requirements

Hardware Layout
Hardware Layout

Once the basic product concept is validated, it is time to define the exact product requirements and specifications. These include:

User Requirements

  • Who is the target user for this product? What are their needs?
  • How will users interact with the device? What use cases need to be supported?
  • What functionality and features are absolutely necessary? What would be nice-to-haves?
  • What is the minimum viable product (MVP) feature set?

Design Requirements

  • What are the industrial design requirements? Size, form factor, aesthetics, etc.
  • Any mechanical requirements? Materials, moving parts, enclosure, etc?
  • What are the electrical requirements? Sensors, microcontrollers, connectivity, interfaces, etc.
  • What are the embedded software requirements? Functionality, processing power, memory, OS, etc.
  • What are the application software requirements? Mobile/web apps, analytics, control panels, etc.

Operational Requirements

  • What inputs/outputs are needed? Power, controls, data connections, etc.
  • What are the environment, temperature, humidity requirements? Indoor/outdoor operation?
  • What compliance and regulatory requirements exist? Safety, EMI/EMC, certifications, etc.
  • What are the product maintenance, serviceability, and warranty requirements?

Business Requirements

  • What sales channels will be used? Online, retail, etc.
  • What is the target bill of materials (BOM) cost? Manufacturing cost targets?
  • What is the desired gross margin for the product? Volume and price targets?
  • What technical support and documentation is needed? Manuals, training, self-service portal, etc.

Document all product requirements in detail since they will drive the rest of the development process. Prioritize the requirements as “must-have” vs “good-to-have” so the team is aligned on what goes into the MVP.

Step 3: Design the Conceptual Architecture

With the requirements defined, the next step is architecting the high-level design for the electronic hardware product. The architectural design phase focuses on the following:

  • Defining the major subsystems and components needed
  • Choosing key technologies, platforms, and technical approaches
  • Modeling how the different parts will work together as a system

For an embedded hardware product, the architecture could consist of elements like:

  • Microcontroller – The brains of the device responsible for processing, logic, and control. Popular options: Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP32, STM32, etc.
  • Sensors – Input devices that measure real-world parameters like temperature, motion, image, etc.
  • User interfaces – Displays, buttons, knobs, speakers to enable user interaction. Touchscreens, LEDs, buzzers etc.
  • Networking – Wired/wireless connectivity modules to transmit data to the cloud or external devices via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, LTE etc.
  • Power supply – Battery, solar charging, AC/DC converters to power the system.
  • Mechanics – Structural elements like enclosure, moving parts, mounts to package components together.
  • Embedded software – Firmware and logic running on the microcontroller.
  • Cloud/app software – Mobile or web apps to analyze data, control device remotely, etc.

Do some research at this phase to select suitable technologies for each subsystem that can meet the requirements defined earlier. Model how they will all connect together using block diagrams and architecture schematics.

Validating the architecture at a high level early on ensures major design flaws are not uncovered further down the road. An experienced technical advisor can provide valuable guidance here.

Step 4: Prototype the Concept

The goal of prototyping is to test the conceptual design, validate the technology choices, and iterate rapidly. Some tips for effective prototyping:

  • Start simple – Focus only on proving the core functionality first. Avoid complex features.
  • Rapid iteration – Use flexible prototyping platforms like Arduino to test and refine multiple design iterations in parallel.
  • Focus on learnings – The prototype needs to answer questions about the architecture and technologies to de-risk the design early.
  • Simulate real-world conditions – Make sure to test the prototype under different use conditions that replicate the customer environment.
  • Early user feedback – Get feedback from prospective users as soon as possible to validate assumptions.
  • Minimum viable prototype – Only spend time perfecting the prototype to prove the design is feasible before moving to development.

Some common prototype mediums include:

Software Simulation

Simulate the electronic hardware design in software before building anything. Allows quickly testing concepts at low cost. Useful for testing embedded software.

Virtual Prototypes

Use 3D modeling tools like SolidWorks to model the physical product virtually. Lets you evaluate ergonomics, mechanics, design language, etc.


Breadboard prototypes use modular hardware components that can be quickly reconfigured. Great for testing circuit designs interactively.

3D Printing

Quickly print parts, enclosures, mechanical elements to create physical prototypes and models for design validation.

Funky Prototypes

Creatively prototype using craft materials, cardboard,Legos, foam or whatever is available to represent the physical product idea.

Build a series of evolving prototypes that increase in complexity and fidelity. Use each version to validate different aspects of the design until confident to proceed.

Step 5. Detailed System Design

With the high-level architecture validated, it’s time to dive into the detailed design for each system module and component. This includes:

  • Electrical schematics – Detailed circuit diagrams with all electronic components, pinouts, and wiring.
  • PCB layout – Positioning and routing all circuits and components on a printed circuit board (PCB).
  • Firmware architecture – Detailed program logic and code structure for the embedded software.
  • Mechanical engineering – CAD models and drawings for enclosures, physical parts, tools and molds.
  • Sensor/module selection – Sourcing and selection of the hundreds of individual components.
  • Compliance design – Incorporating any mandatory electrical safety, EMI/EMC control, regulatory measures, etc.
  • Manufacturing design – Designing parts and processes for efficient manufacturability and assembly.
  • Tooling design – Design of production tools like molds, jigs, fixtures, test equipment, etc.

Work closely with electronics, mechanical, and software engineering teams to create production-ready designs for all elements of the product. Utilize simulations, 3D models, prototypes, and rigorous design reviews to ensure robust performance.

This detailed design process is highly iterative and will likely reveal complex technical challenges and trade-offs to be solved. Having technical advisors and external design partners can provide invaluable expertise.

Step 6: Source and Procure Components

components manufacturers

With open-source platforms like Arduino, sourcing components for prototypes is straightforward. But for manufacturing, sourcing all the custom electronics parts and materials requires careful planning and procurement. Important considerations:

  • Volume pricing – Get volume-based quotes from component vendors and negotiate costs based on estimated production scale.
  • Lead times – Confirm lead times for delivery and minimum order quantities for long-lead items.
  • Custom parts – Get quotes for fabricating any custom PCBs, molded parts, tooling etc.
  • Compliance – Ensure any regulated components like power supplies, wireless modules etc. are certified.
  • Data sheets – Obtain detailed specifications, data sheets and compliance info for all critical components.
  • IP considerations – For externally sourced components, ensure licensing or IP ownership is sorted out contractually.
  • Supplier qualifications – Audit and qualify suppliers based on quality, manufacturing capabilities, financials etc.
  • Customs and logistics – Account for any import duties, customs processes, and logistics lead times.

While focus is often on core product development, proper supply chain planning is crucial to avoid delays during manufacturing ramp up. Leverage existing supplier relationships whenever possible.

Step 7: Manufacturing Planning

Designing a great product is only half the battle – you still need to manufacture it! Planning the production strategy early in the design process ensures a smooth factory ramp up. Key considerations for manufacturing planning:

Selecting Manufacturers

  • In-house vs outsourced – For early stage hardware startups, outsourced manufacturing is preferable.
  • Geography – Determine suitable manufacturing locations based on costs, logistics, regulations etc. Popular hubs include China, Taiwan, Mexico etc.
  • Factory qualifications – Audit potential manufacturing partners on capabilities, quality systems, production capacity etc.
  • Prototyping capabilities – The ideal partner offers both low-volume prototyping and mass production capacity.
  • Partner vs vendor – Seek a manufacturing partner invested in your success versus just a vendor.

Manufacturing Processes

  • Production volume – Estimate production volumes based on sales forecasts to right-size processes.
  • Tooling – Determine requirements for molds, jigs, test fixtures based on product design.
  • Sourcing – Local vs international sourcing of components based on costs, logistics etc.
  • Assembly methods – Select efficient techniques like surface-mount technology, automation etc appropriate for volumes.
  • Lean manufacturing – Utilize lean production principles to eliminate waste.
  • Testing and QA – Implement test procedures, automation, and quality control oversight at each production stage.
  • Certifications – Ensure conformance to any regulatory or compliance certification requirements.
  • Change management – Define engineering change order process to revise product specs after release.

Cost Estimation

  • Bill of Materials (BOM) – Detailed component cost list used to estimate total unit costs.
  • Tooling costs – Molds, jigs, and fixtures required for manufacturing.
  • Direct Labor – Assembly worker hourly rates, productivity targets, and labor cost per unit.
  • Overheads – Other fixed costs like equipment amortization, facilities, management etc.
  • Margin – The manufacturer’s profit margin percentage charged over total costs.
  • Tariffs and duties – Import taxes and customs costs if manufacturing overseas.
  • Non-recurring Engineering (NRE) – One-time development costs, production setup costs.

By involving manufacturers early and optimizing for production, costly redesigns later can be avoided.

Step 8: Firmware Development

Firmware is the embedded software that runs on the microcontroller inside an electronic hardware device. Developing quality firmware is crucial for enabling the core product functionality. Firmware typically handles:

  • Boot sequence – Initializing system hardware and peripherals when powered on.
  • Input/Output – Interfacing with sensors, drives, communication buses and devices.
  • Control logic – Implementing control algorithms, logic, and data processing.
  • User interface – Driving graphical displays, indicators, buttons, and sound.
  • Communications – Wired and wireless connectivity via interfaces like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth etc.
  • Security – Encryption, authentication, authorization, and secure boot.
  • Safety mechanisms – Fail-safes, checks, and redundancies.
  • Upgradability – Secure firmware update mechanism.
  • Power management – Optimizing power utilization in sleep and standby modes.

For most embedded products, C/C++ is the common firmware language. It provides high performance, hardware access, and efficiency for resource constrained devices.

Well structured, reliable, and efficient firmware takes skilled software engineering. Use proven real-time operating systems, rigid testing, simulations, static analysis, and reviews to catch bugs early.

Step 9: Application Software Development

In addition to firmware, many connected hardware products also need user-facing application software for remote control, data access, analytics etc. Options include:

  • Mobile apps – Control the hardware from smartphones or tablets via Bluetooth, WiFi etc.
  • Web apps – Web application for accessing device data and analytics in the cloud.
  • APIs – Application programming interfaces to integrate with other systems.
  • Admin portals – Web portals for fleet management, device administration etc.
  • Cloud services – Backend cloud platforms to manage connected devices at scale.
  • Cloud analytics – Big data pipelines, machine learning, and business intelligence on aggregated device data.

Application software brings powerful capabilities but also complexities of maintaining cloud infrastructure, Apps, and web services. Focus on maximizing value for users while keeping complexity manageable.

Leverage agile software methodologies to deliver iteratively and adapt to evolving customer needs post-launch.

Step 10. Alpha and Beta Testing

Once development prototypes are working, it’s time to test the product’s readiness via structured alpha and beta testing:

Alpha Testing

This is functional testing done internally by the development team to verify the product works correctly before external testing.

  • Verify product requirements – Rigorously test against all requirements to validate completeness.
  • Stress test limits – Validate performance, safety, security under different environments, inputs, loads etc.
  • Life testing – Test reliability and repeatability over the product’s lifetime of usage.
  • Finalize design – Incorporate any changes needed from internal testing.
  • Develop test plans – Define test procedures and cases to be used for external beta testing.

Beta Testing

Beta testing is real-world testing by a small set of external users for validating usability and reliability.

  • Test demographics – Recruit beta testers representing the target market segments.
  • Test environments – Test in different real usage environments – home, office, vehicles etc.
  • Functionality and usability – Validate key use cases and workflows. Assess intuitiveness, ergonomics etc.
  • Reliability – Continuous operation for extended durations to detect stability issues.
  • Collect feedback – Gather quantitative and qualitative end-user feedback via surveys, interviews etc.

Testing is the final validation before committing to tooling and manufacturing. Ensure rigorous, well-monitored testing to catch issues early. Allow time to incorporate learning into the production designs.

Step 11: Certifications and Compliance

Electronic devices must meet various safety and compliance standards for legal sale. Initiate certification efforts early as they can take months:

  • Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) – Ensures device does not interfere with radios, networks or other equipment by limiting electromagnetic emissions.
  • Electrical Safety – Certifies safe design and construction to avoid electrical hazards and shock risk.
  • Wireless Certification – Certifies wireless radios are compliant with communication regulations. Required for modules like WiFi, bluetooth, Zigbee etc.
  • Environmental Testing – Tests resistance to temperature, humidity, vibration, shock etc. Provides an IP rating for ingress protection.
  • Quality Management System – Implementing a QMS is required for attaining most certifications. ISO 9001 is a common baseline.
  • Regional Compliance – Specific standards like FCC (USA), CE (Europe), CCC (China) etc are mandatory for the target markets.

Work with test labs early to determine the applicable certifications and initiate testing. Factor certification costs into budgets and timelines.

Step 12: Finalize Industrial Design


While engineering teams are busy testing and certifying, industrial designers refine the product’s aesthetics, ergonomics, branding etc.

  • Design language – Define overall styling, branding elements, materials, and finishes that convey the product essence.
  • Enclosure design – Design attractive and functional enclosures that account for usability, hand-feel, mounting, accessibility etc.
  • User Interface design – Refine visual and tactile aspects of displays, indicators, buttons, etc. for usability.
  • Branding/graphics – Develop graphics, logos, and typography that express the brand identity.
  • Visualizations – Generate high-quality renderings, mockups, photos etc. for marketing materials.
  • User manuals – Design manuals, quick start guides, online help etc. to assist users.

The external design directly shapes the customer’s perception of quality and brand




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