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How to Use the Fritzing PCB Design Software

Fritzing PCB design software can be described as a reliable open-source tool which anyone can share, teach, as well as prototype their personal electronic projects. Also, it permits users to design the schematic, which could be included in the professional looking wiring diagrams. Users can even design their own printed circuit boards and also fabricate them from your designed files. Fritzing software can be used in hook-up guides, classrooms, as well as other places that need to teach ways of hooking up boards to other types of hardware.

Another significant aspect involving the creation of new projects involves the initial designing as well as vetting process so as to know if the circuit would function or not. Furthermore, this tool offers users with schematics, design, and creation of the PCB layout. Let’s continue with the topic and understand what Fritzing PCB can offer users.

What is Fritzing PCB Design Software?

As mentioned earlier, Fritzing PCB design software offers a free program used for designing circuits on the breadboards, create the schematics, as well as develop the printed circuit boards. In contrast to many circuit design suites, it heavily utilizes vectorized images, creating great looking circuits.

Fritzing features so many well-known components like the Arduino modules and boards. It is specially designed for hobbyists rather than for professional use. Coupled with its free design qualities and features, it also has a projects’ page and community forum whereby users can easily upload their individual projects.

How to Design a Project on the Breadboard

The breadboard view is the first major window seen in its environment. This allows the easy creation of the breadboard circuits. Also, you can adjust the size of the breadboard. It has an interactive set up; this allows users to drop wires and components to the individual pins.

Furthermore, the window seen on the screen’s right hand side allows users to locate as well as place different components on the breadboard. The search also allows specific parts to be located easier. In contrast to circuit suites that are more advanced like KiCad, the available parts are limited to commonly used microcontrollers and modules.

The parts seen in the search window will be dragged in the area of the breadboard and will snap in the holes as legs cross them. Whenever parts are dropped in place, the electrically connected rows to the component legs appear.

This allows easy identification of the rows and clearer placement of the wires. Users can choose wires as well as change the color. The changing of the wires’ color is a great practice with heavily-reliant designs on wires. Also, its inspection window, located below the search window of the component, is useful for editing components, which includes the breadboard.

The Creation of the PCB Layouts

This is the final stage when creating circuits using Fritzing. Similar to its schematic stage, these PCB parts are placed automatically on the circuit board. Also, the user needs to position and orient these components.

This stage of PCB isn’t compulsory because not all projects will make use of a PCB. Using Fritzing PCB design software comes with a major disadvantage which is the software working hand in hand with the Fritzing PCB service that turns the Fritzing design into low cost PCBs easily.

Like the schematic layout, you can rotate and drag the components with their neighboring indents. This PCB can be resized easily by dragging its corners. This inspector window offers more options like the number of layers present on the printed circuit board as well as the shape (like the shield shape of the Arduino).

You can route copper tracks by double clicking on the dotted lines, as well as by clicking and also dragging from its pads. When manual routing becomes too difficult, you can use the auto-router in Fritzing which automatically routes the PCBs.

What’s In the User Interface of Fritzing?

Immediately after opening Fritzing, you will see a pleasant and easy interface.

Welcome/Home Screen

Here, this is what you see when the program is opened. This basically reveals recent projects. At the right hand, you will see the blog area as well as related news, including latest versions, platform news and some important publications regarding Fritzing.

At the right side of the home screen, you’ll see the components section. This is where you can see the whole electronic catalog used in their projects. These are categorized depending on their nomenclature and use. Also, you can make use of the search bar; this gives the filtering facility depending on whatever needs to be used.


Immediately after selecting the components, there is a need to place the components on the breadboard or test board to create the electrical connections. Breadboards are boards having holes, which are connected electrically. The power lines also follow a specific horizontal pattern.

Also, the lines for component connection follow a special vertical pattern. With this, connections can be created in a safe and logical way, making sure that the project functions well before the PCB is manufactured.


Here, you will see the way the basic circuit’s PCB model will look like. Clearly, this is the PCB design which is sent to be directly printed from that program with the respective cost. There are some rules to take into account when placing and wiring the components on the printed circuit board. These rules correspond to the temperature dissipation, wires, size, etc.


To comprehend this section, there is a need to understand the schematic diagram concept in electronics. Usually, this schematic diagram relates to the circuit. The diagrams are also referred to as circuit diagrams or wiring diagrams and reveals the way in which the circuit’s components are connected. The lines indicates the connecting wires, while the remaining elements like switches, lights, and resistors are represented by some standardized symbols referred to as the electrical schematic symbols.


This final section is primarily dedicated to the users using Arduino boards for their electronic projects. Here, Fritzing allows you to create that code you wish to integrate in the physical microcontroller. Physical is emphasized here because the program doesn’t allow any simulation in its features.

What are the Pros and Cons of Fritzing PCB Design Software?

Fritzing comes with lots of benefits. However, it comes with some disadvantages as well. To make the right decision it is advisable that you know both the good and bad about Fritzing.


This software program lets designers as well as other professional record their created prototypes for different circuits as well as the design corresponding circuit boards.

You can also make use of the website of the company to communicate personal drafts and ideas with others. Others may decide to create their electronic items using your prototypes. This sharing concept helps in the reduction of production costs.

One important benefit of the Fritzing PCB software is that amateurs can design their circuits and create PCBs that suit their needs. They can find all the needed great in the Fritzing PCB design software store.

Other benefits include:

  • It is free
  • Great for Arduino board-based projects
  • Lots of electronic devices and features to be used in the library
  • Large development of users and the community
  • It is open source


  • The Fritzing PCB is Arduino-specific in several ways
  • There are other shortcomings in the other EDAs like the impossibility of having to stimulate as well as test your prototypes.

What’s up with the Latest Version –Fritzing 0.9.3b?


The Component Library is Updated

The Fritzing library is stored online now on GitHub and checks for updates automatically. Therefore any software upgrade is available to the users automatically. This creates the pathway for the direct contributions of the user.

Bugs are absent

Initially, bugs appearing in the PCB traces usually mess up with the other tracks exiting in the layout. This makes it very difficult for the designers to discover any error in the circuit. This software also permits high-DPI display. This allows you to see it easily.

Self-handling of the customized tools

Initially, the customized parts were stored inside a hidden location. This made editing using external tools to be difficult for designers. However, these parts are located conveniently inside the Fritzing folder located under Documents. This makes the work very easy for the users. Just like the Pad2Pad, the user will be able to order their printed circuit board to be manufactured on the Fritzing Fab. This saves money and time on the developer boards that would have been gotten from the other manufacturer.


The Fritzing PCB design software is simply a free automation electronic design program, which is specifically designed to assist artists as well as designers in transiting from the prototypes (for example, using the test board and to the final products). The creation of Fritzing PCB design software works with the principle of Arduino, which allows the researchers, artists, designers, as well as hobbyists to be able to register their personal Arduino-based prototypes, as well as create diagrams for their printed circuits for fabrication.